If you’ve been to Guatemala, you may have visited Tikal. Considered the most “famous” of Guatemala’s Mayan ruins, visitors to Tikal can take a trip back in time and experience what life was like for the ancient Maya people.
Today, the BBC reports that researchers have discovered more than 60,000 Maya ruins hidden beneath the forest. The latest laser technology was used to scan over 800 square miles, leading to this breathtaking discovery. How cool!
So what exactly did they uncover? The technology revealed the ruins of simple homes, grand palaces, highways, and defensive fortifications. Now, researchers believe this area to have been home to millions more people than previously believed.
Stephen Houston, Professor of Archaeology and Anthropology at Brown University, reported that he believes, “this is one of the greatest advances in over 150 years of Maya archaeology.”
Looks like there’s even more reason to visit Guatemala!
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