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Woman. Guatemalan. Graduate. IT Manager

Patty de Leon has accepted the promotion to IT Manager, a position that is an integral part of the Guatemala country leadership team and manages the organization’s information and technology systems.

As IT Manager, Patty is responsible for all internal network systems, databases, homework center technology and telephone systems. De Leon will lead all technological infrastructure plans and provide critical support to sponsorship, generate reports, statistical data and analysis for all users in both countries.

As Common Hope’s first graduate, Patty’s was the first brick laid on the Pathway of Dreams

Patty’s achievement is deserving of recognition. Patty is a female leader in a male dominated field and culture. Further, Patty’s is the first name you will find on Common Hope’s Pathway of Dreams. Since becoming Common Hope’s first high school graduate in 1996, she has committed her life to learning and to ending the cycle of poverty for her family. Mission accomplished.

In her early days as the clinic receptionist, she found her calling in the computer sciences and continued her studies through a scholarship from Common Hope. Working at Familias, she got hands-on experience and served as a programmer’s assistant on one of the organization’s first database projects. The rest is history. In 2012, she received an advanced degree in systems engineering and became the organization’s first female, Guatemalan, alumni IT Manager.

The Guatemala Administrative staff including Human Resources, IT, and Accounting.

As a teenager, Patty would never have imagined being where she is now, a university educated, department manager. She offers this advice to affiliated students, “Luchen por sus sueños y no se dejan vencer por los obstáculos // Fight for your dreams and do not let obstacles defeat you.”

Next time you visit Guatemala and you want to see HOPE and OPPORTUNITY in action, look no further than the IT office or the Pathway of Dreams.

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