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A “Sponsorship Means” Story from Wendy Vezzosi

Throughout SPONSORPALOOZA we are sharing stories of what sponsorship means to students, their families, and their sponsors. Supporters can share their stories and videos on social media using the hashtag #SponsorshipMeans.

We received the following #SponsorshipMeans Story from Wendy Vezzozi, a longtime sponsor and volunteer:

This beautiful poster was written by our sponsor child Rutilia and hung on her wall when our daughter Lauren and I visited her home. We had sponsored her brother Saulo for 10 years until he proudly graduated from high school. We had the opportunity to get to know Rutilia on several occasions when we visited Guatemala. She has always lovingly referred to us as her padrinos (sponsors) even though she wasn’t affiliated. She so badly wanted to have sponsors and we are now blessed to be her sponsors. Her gift to us speaks volumes as to what it means to be a sponsor. 

Poster translation: Madrina Wendy and Lauren. Welcome to our home which is also your home. Thank you for being our angels here on earth. May God shower big and abundant blessings on all your family who have adopted me. I am so happy to have the opportunity to spend time with and know Lauren, my other sister. And yes, I am now a Vezzozi and my dream of being your sponsor child has come true.  Many thanks.

If you would like to share your #SponsorshipMeans story or video with us, simply post on Facebook using the hashtag #SponsorshipMeans. Please be sure to tag @Common Hope and make your post Public so we can see it!

You can also email your story or video to and we will share it with our wonderful network of supporters! 

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